Posts Tagged With: Jesus

What Matters Most?

In this clip from a speech, Brad Pitt says:

“I don’t know if any of what we do matters in the end. What I do know that matters is the people we hitch ourselves to and the indelible mark they leave upon our very being. I was reading a passage recently where a character was asking, “Which is most important, the journey or the destination?” and the other replied, “It’s the company.” And I couldn’t agree more.”

I have watched many Youtube shorts and this one made such an impression upon me to such a degree that it merited a blog post – an investment of a few hours of my day writing and refining a proper reflection and response. (Buy me a coffee here:

So let’s address the first thing Brad says: “I don’t know if any of what we do matters in the end.”

Ecclesiastes is a book Solomon wrote that begins by declaring everything meaningless. There is a verse in Ecclesiastes that says, “Most of what God has given for us to do is busywork”.

My response and question to this remark is this: Are there things God allows us to do that are more than meaningless and beyond the busywork? Are we capable of activity that is elevated beyond simply the maintenance of our own existence?

I shared this clip with my songwriting class yesterday and asked them these questions. As a wholistic songwriting coach who is interested in writing songs that matter, I wish to impress upon my students that songs come from who you are. Songs come from an inspired place within your soul that are in touch with the Divine Source of all inspiration. We write songs that matter with Jesus as our songwriting partner. As he said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing… and I have appointed you to bear much fruit… fruit that will remain.”

Jesus, or in his own language, Yeshua, is introduced by his best friend John as the Logos in John 1:1

Logos can be translated as “Meaning”.

Ha! Isn’t that something? Yeshua is the One who brings meaning to our existence. But the only way this is going to happen for anyone is found in a phrase that Solomon includes at the end of his treatise on the meaning of human existence: to “fear God”. I bring this up because I must. This was a hard learned lesson I have often reflected upon in my 47 cycles around the sun.

Solomon wrote: “And this is the end of the matter: Fear God and keep his commands.”

Is he hinting at his discovery of what does bring meaning to life? Is he finally declaring, as a service to humanity, what actually matters?

I have learned in my studies that to “fear God” means “reverential trust”. Reverence means to give Jesus the proper respect that is due him. He is Lord. He’s the boss. He is the Master. He is the Leader in the Divine Dance of Life. We let him lead. We submit to him as our Master. He is the only Master Jedi… the only One… and we are all the Jedi apprentice padawans. He is the Husband and we are the submissive humble wife in this scenario.

The Lord greeted me one Sunday morning with the words: “Today I am going to teach you about the fear of the Lord.”

“Okay”, I responded… and waited for him to say more.

“Later…” he replied.

I went off to church and a few minutes before going on the stage to lead the church in worship, he spoke: “Okay, it’s like this…”

“Wow… okay.. so this is happening now. Great!”

“The fear of the Lord is exampled by what John said about me”, Jesus said, “Recall when he said of me, ‘He must increase and I must decrease’? He humbled himself and became small so that I could loom large… You do the same.”

And so I did. I got out of the way that day and Jesus loomed large. We had a brilliant and powerful time of anointed worship.

May Jesus loom large in our life today. Say it with me would you?

“Jesus, loom large in my life today.”

Ask Jesus to lead your dance of life. As the Scripture says, “Set apart Jesus as Lord in your life.”

The second part of Solomon’s prescription was: “Keep his commands”. I love how John highlighted this in his first letter when he reminded us of Jesus parting words to his disciples before going to the cross: “Love one another… love one another as I have loved you.” John added that “his commands are not burdensome.” Indeed, hasn’t Jesus promised that his yoke (his teaching) is easy and his burden (what he commands) is light?

So what can we do that matters? Is it possible to focus our entire lives around what matters? Can we saturate our days with love? Repeat after me:

“Yes we can!”

Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you.” This means we are hitched to him to work with and alongside him. He is the lead ox in this scenario. Anything we do that matters (including writing songs that matter) are only going to happen with Jesus as the one we hitch ourselves to. He is ultimately the one who brings the meaning to our life as we keep company with him.

“What if we hitched ourselves to Jesus? What if he is, first and foremost, the company we keep? What would it look like to have Jesus as you best friend?”

I am reminded of a few Scriptures. One verse talks about how God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Jesus says, “I am with you always”. This means that Jesus is already upholding his side of this friendship. He is keeping company with us. You already possess an amazing relationship with God and it’s not your fault:

“So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends with God.” Romans 5:11 NLT

In Revelation 3:10 Jesus, when speaking to believers says, “I stand at the door and knock. Whoever hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and we’ll share a meal together as friends.”

The veil has been torn. We all have access to the holy of holies. This is what some call the secret place where we can fellowship with Jesus and our loving Father in ABSOLUTE Peace. Safe. Secure. “Wrapped in the arms of your Father’s tender hug”. (Those are lyrics I wrote today for a new song I am calling Love Psalm 2024.)

What does that mean to you?

It says to me that I you and I have been purchased at a very high price. You and I have been valued by the blood of God’s only begotten Son, our best friend Yeshua. You and I have been made holy. You and I have One who is responsible for us. Our Creator, our Good Shepherd and Overseer of our soul, has taken responsibility for us. We are safe in his care.

I encourage everyone to open the door and invite Jesus in.

Holy Spirit seems to be indicating to me that Jesus is making a reference to Song of Solomon in that revelation 3:10 verse. Is this really to be interpreted as a Divine romance between each and every one of us and God? Is Jesus not spoken of as our Groom? Are we not spoken of as the Bride? It seems he is hinting at the fact that we are more than friends. To what level of intimacy does Jesus want with each and every one of us?

I invited my songwriting class kids to ask God this question:

“Jesus, what kind of relationship do you want to have with me?”

I invited them to inquire of their own heart:

“What kind of relationship do I want with God?”

I reminded them that you can have as close of a relationship with God as you have ever witnessed anyone have with Jesus. Even in Scripture. God is no respecter of persons. Elijah was a man just like us. Jesus best friend John was a man just like us. You too can be the disciple whom Jesus loves.

I was in a nursing home this morning doing a concert and, before I started, I observed a woman lean over to another woman who could no longer talk and said, “I love you. You are my very best friend. I love you.” She said this just to make her feel loved and special that day. She meant it. I closed my eyes to take it in so this moment could leave an indelible mark in my memory. It’s moments like this that make you realize what matters in life. The love you give. The genuine love you give.

John wrote, “Those who live in love, live in God and God in them.”

If you have found any of this inspiring, connect with Jesus to receive more revelation on this.

To wrap this blog post up I’d like to share the lyrics of another song I wrote:

Who You Are

I feel safe when I’m with you
And after all that we’ve been through
You’ve proven yourself worthy of my heart

So I’m practicing your Presence
And I lay down all my resistance
To experience the joy of who you are

CHORUS:   Who you are, who you are, who you are, Jesus (2x)

Great and Merciful High Priest
You’re the One who always sees
Every need within my soul, you satisfy

In your love I’m born again
My Good shepherd, my best friend
Always when I see you, I can’t deny

CHORUS:    Who you are, who you are, who you are, Jesus (2x)

BRIDGE :   You are the only One, my destiny,  my meant to be         
You are the only One,  who I adore, who I’m meant for 

So I’m practicing your Presence
And I lay down all my defenses
To experience the joy of who you are… 

CHORUS:     Who you are, who you are, who you are, Jesus (2x)

BRIDGE :   You are the only One, my destiny,  my meant to be         
You are the only One,  who I adore, who I’m meant for 

(Buy me a coffee here:

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Nativity Dream

I am sitting at Luna, one of my favorite coffee shops in Green Bay treating myself to a quiche and a coffee after a successful Christmas concert. I could not hold back the tears when I told them of how my daughter had been a part of a Nativity play called, The Very Worst Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I was moved during the the last scene when Imogene Herdman, who played Mary, held baby Jesus and cried when she finally understood the meaning of Christmas and what a gift Jesus is to us.

What would you do and how would you feel if you were suddenly transported back in time to the Nativity to witness the events of the birth of Jesus? 

The Lord gave me a dream in which I suddenly found myself standing with my daughter Emma on the right side of a stage in a theater at the closing final, “take a bow” and clap for all the actors, moment at a Nativity play. Everyone went still and were in shock at my sudden appearance. They didn’t know what to think or do. I looked out at the audience, in shock myself, and then turned to see all the actors from the Nativity play. I held an unopened bottle of wine in my hand.

My attention was drawn to baby Jesus. I had an Imogene moment as I was overwhelmed with what this meant for me personally… what Jesus meant to me personally.

Without even thinking about it, I dropped the bottle of wine, approached the manger scene, and fell facedown on the floor before my Lord, the baby Jesus.

A strange thing began to happen as I started to slide across the floor toward the front of the stage. Somehow I knew I wouldn’t fall, and sure enough, as my body slid off the stage I began to float. Suddenly I flew up above the audience and then out through the roof.

Okay, I realize that the last part distracted people from the impact of the message. I get it. But how can you leave out a cool part like that?

So… facedown before the Lord. Let’s stay there for a bit.

Reminds me of a bit of Scripture from Philippians 2:5-11 NLT:

“You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

 Though he was God,
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.
 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
    he took the humble position of a slave
    and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
     he humbled himself in obedience to God
    and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
    and gave him the name above all other names,
 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.”

NASB puts it like so: “For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Every knee will bow before Jesus, Yeshua, the King of kings and Lord of lords. He forces no one. He woos every one. He draws all unto himself by tender lovingkindness and grace.

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Yeshua, The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Enjoy this Calming meditation music as we delve into meditating upon the Person of Jesus Christ… a.k.a. Yeshua Hamashiach. I know him. What a pleasure to know him. It isn’t difficult you know. You relax into it. We’ve been too uptight, you and I for far too long. We have experienced stress instead of calm. Strife instead of peace. Work instead of rest.

You have to work really hard to maintain lies. The truth is easy.


Relax into what God has dubbed our Sabbath rest. This is for us all. For as Yeshua has said, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So, Shabat Shalom! Experience the peace. Take a deep breath. Relax every muscle in your body. Allow yourself to let go and relax into the arms of your Savior, Yeshua. He has got you. The Man, the Myth, the Legend!

I first remember hearing this phrase “the man, the myth, the legend” associated with the world famous soccer player turned volleyball player Scott Sterling. If you’ve never seen Scott in action, feel free to take some time and enrich your life by watching the following video footage of this amazing athlete showing us how it is done:

Yes, that video is one of the joys of life and is equally important as anything else I could possibly bring into your realm of awareness…. with One exception.

Yes, I am going somewhere. Are you along for the journey?

I truly hope so.

Scott Sterling’s athletic feats are hardly worth comparing to another’s accomplishment which is worthy of making the entire universe one large amphitheater and everyone’s attention focused on One central figure taking center stage. Yeshua… the Man, the Myth, the Legend!

It goes without saying that Yeshua is the hero and protagonist of the grandest most epic story the universe has to offer. Who hasn’t, by now, heard the story? Right? It seems redundant to go over it again… right?

But, are we paying attention?

Your time and attention are the currency of your life. How are you spending it? This writing that you are reading right now is to serve as a reminder that Father God, the One whom Jesus calls Abba, has spoken from heaven about his Son: “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.”

God is urging us to spend the currency of our lives… our time, our attention… upon his Son Jesus. He alone is worthy to take center stage in each and every one of our lives.

I am curious enough to see what would happen if we did do this that I am literally dedicating my life to this end, that all may give Yeshua, the Son of God, our time and attention… to listen to him.

Would you join me? Let’s ask Jesus right now, “Jesus what do you have for me today? What are you saying to me right now?”

Listen for his response.

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You Also Were Included

“…And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…” Ephesians 1:13 NIV (read more)

This was the Scripture that greeted me this morning. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Yesterday I came across an old journal entry that I would never want my kids or grand kids to ever find or read. It articulated fairly clearly how messed up my identity crisis had really become. It was real and raw and authentic… but completely wrong. It revealed how thoroughly I had believed the enemies lies.

I spent yesterday wondering how much of my sense of identity is still more inspired out of the pit of hell rather than the heart of God. I didn’t have much hope for the latter.

And then the Scripture. Can we read it again?


You Are INCLUDED In Christ! I Am Included IN CHRIST!

So what is our identity in Christ?

I’m so glad you asked. That was the first thing I asked as well. Great minds think alike I guess. I looked it up and found this helpful graphic:


Those last few points were very eye-opening for me.

“You are declared righteous by God.” You are not a sinner. Because God says so.

“Your identity comes from what God has done for you and what God says about you.”

“Your belief about yourself determines your behavior.”

So ask yourself, will I continue to believe the enemies lies? Or will I believe God?

Someone has highly recommended the theologian Dr. C. Baxter Kruger. So yesterday I looked him up for the first time. I watched this very insightful video:

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Inner Healing? Try Inner Healed!

Every time I hear John Crowder speak on the glories and the good news of the Gospel of Jesus my heart swells with joy. I trust yours will too. This is a talk he gave about inner healing and how Jesus has already accomplished this. I have proven this to be true in my own life and have seen that my victory over depression has come about because I just started believing the Gospel.

Jesus really did save me! Done deal. To quote Jesus, “It is finished!”

I love telling people their salvation is bought and paid for. They are already forgiven, you just need to believe it and receive it.

I love a story Rick Warren shared once. A man walked up to him and asked, “Pastor, what do I have to do to be saved?” “You’re too late” Rick told him. “What do you mean I’m too late?” he asked. “What needed doing was already done for you 2,000 years ago. You just need to accept it.”

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